
About ArchCare

Studies have shown that 75% of the world's population has been diagnosed with misalignment of the feet, which can potentially lead to a wide range of joint and muscular pain. To solve this problem, we at Aalayam have developed a proprietary technology called ArchCare. 

This technology includes a foot scanning and analysis module that gives the required results to develop customized ArchCare InSoles that you can wear in your shoes every single day for improved foot alignment. Our objective behind ArchCare Insoles is to provide you with the perfect foot alignment that can help you prevent various pains beforehand!

How does it work?

- The first step is to conduct a foot scan.
- Then, our experts analyze the results to see how misaligned your feet are.
- The last step is to customize an insole for every patient that they can where anywhere, anytime! 

ArchCare Benefits

All types of foot and ankle pain

Pain in the calf muscles

Great toe pain (bunion)

Pain in any joints and muscles

Mechanical back pain

Knee pain (osteoarthritis)

Back pain (sciatica)

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the correct age to wear Archcare insoles?

Insoles can be worn after the age of 6 to 8 years.


Is Archcare insoles only beneficial in pain?

No, Anyone with activities like walking, cycling, gym, sports etc. can wear insoles.


Can Archcare's customized insoles be worn in just one shoe?

No. It can be changed from one shoe to another.


How long does the Archcare insole manufacturing process take?

The foot scanning & insole molding process can take about 45 minutes to 1 hour.


How long does an Archcare insole last?

It depends on your daily activities and weight, but usually, the life of a customized insole is 1 to 1.5 years.


What is the difference between Archcare customized insoles and Readymade insoles?

Ready-made insoles are made to standard sizes, while ArchCare Insoles are made by scanning each person's feet to align their misalignment, which benefits them immensely.


How does Archcare's foot scanning work?

Archcare utilizes advanced Artificial intelligence technology to perform a detailed analysis of your feet. Our foot scanning process involves using state-of-the-art Pressure sensors that capture precise measurements and data points of your feet, including pressure distribution and alignment.


Do I need to bring any special socks or shoes for the scan?

No, you don't need to bring any special socks or shoes for the foot scan. Our scanning technology is designed to work with regular socks and shoes that you would typically wear on a daily basis. Simply wear the footwear you are comfortable in, and our scanners will capture the necessary information to create personalized insoles for you.


How long does the foot scanning process take?

The foot scanning process is quick and efficient. On average, it takes approximately 5 to 10 minutes to complete the scan. Our expert doctor will guide you through the process, ensuring accurate and reliable results.


What information does the foot scan provide?

The foot scan provides valuable information about your feet, including arch type, pressure points, and any irregularities in the foot alignment. This data helps us identify issues such as flat feet, high arches, or pronation problems. With this information, we can create insoles that offer optimal support, cushioning, and alignment correction tailored to your specific needs.


How are the custom insoles created based on the foot scan?

After the foot scan, the collected data is analyzed by our team of experts. Using advanced software and precise measurements, we mold custom insoles that are specifically crafted to address your foot's unique characteristics and support requirements. Our insoles are made with high-quality materials for comfort, durability, and maximum effectiveness.


How much time does it take to create a customized insole?

After Scanning and generating your feet reports, it generally takes 20 min to 30 min to mold a customized insole to support and align your feet.


Can the custom insoles help with flat feet?

Yes, our custom insoles are particularly beneficial for individuals with flat feet. By analyzing the foot scan results, we can determine the level of arch support and corrective measures needed to alleviate discomfort and provide proper alignment. The custom insoles are designed to distribute pressure evenly, provide arch support, and improve overall foot biomechanics for individuals with flat feet.