
About Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy is used just as heat is in the rehabilitation of injuries. Cryotherapy is often used for pain relief. The treatment has several benefits, like reduction of edema from trauma and inflammation, decrease in muscle spasm, and reduction of spasticity. 

At Aalayam, we bring you the most advanced machinery when it comes to cryotherapy in the form of Cryofan CF-04, a device brought to India for the first time! Cryofan provides great results for localized injuries such as in the back, knees, elbows, etc. The powerful device is perfect for athletes and sportspersons with serious injuries.

How does it work? 

- The treatment is short.
- Affected areas or spasms are precisely targeted for several minutes by cool, dry air.
- At the end of the procedure, you may feel a ‘pins and needles’ sensation, which goes away quickly. 

Cryotherapy Benefits

Improve your physical performance

Give long-term pain relief

Reduce inflammation

Provide fast muscle recovery

Improve blood circulation

Frequently Asked Questions


Do I need to visit the center to access this treatment?



What kind of ailments does this treatment help with?

The treatment is ideal for localized injuries such as in the back, knees, elbows.


Does this machine have any side effects?

No, this process is completely safe.


Do I need the cryotherapy treatment?

This treatment is ideal for injuries faced by sportspersons or athletes. Everyone may not need it!


What is cryo therapy?

Cryo therapy is a treatment method that involves exposing the body to extremely cold temperatures for a short duration to promote various health benefits.


How does cryo therapy work?

Cryo therapy typically involves using liquid nitrogen or cooled air to generate temperatures as low as -140 degrees Celsius. The cold temperature is applied to the body, usually in a localized manner, to trigger physiological responses.


What are the potential benefits of cryo therapy?

Cryo therapy is believed to provide several potential benefits, including reduced inflammation, pain relief, improved muscle recovery, enhanced athletic performance, increased collagen production, and a boost to the immune system.


Who is cryo therapy suitable for?

Cryo therapy is commonly used by athletes and sportspersons who experience sports-related injuries or intense physical training. It may also be beneficial for individuals with chronic pain conditions, such as arthritis or fibromyalgia.


Can cryo therapy be accessed at home?

Cryo therapy treatments using extremely cold temperatures, such as those reaching -140 degrees Celsius, typically require specialized equipment and controlled environments. As a result, accessing this treatment at home may not be practical or safe.


Is cryo therapy recommended for minor joint or muscular pain?

Cryo therapy, particularly using extremely cold temperatures, is usually reserved for more severe injuries or chronic conditions. For minor joint or muscular pain, other conservative treatments like rest, ice packs, or over-the-counter pain relievers may be more appropriate. However, it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.


Are there any risks or side effects associated with cryo therapy?

Cryo therapy is generally considered safe when performed correctly and under proper supervision. However, potential risks may include skin burns, frostbite, or complications for individuals with certain medical conditions. It's important to follow the guidelines and recommendations of trained professionals when undergoing cryo therapy.


 How long does a typical cryo therapy session last?

A typical cryo therapy session can vary in duration but usually lasts between 5 to 10 minutes. The session length may be adjusted based on individual tolerance and the specific goals of the treatment.


Can cryo therapy be combined with other treatments?

Cryo therapy can be used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan that may include other modalities, such as physical therapy, massage, or stretching exercises. Combining cryo therapy with other treatments can potentially enhance overall results and recovery.


Is cryo therapy a one-time treatment, or is it recommended to have multiple sessions?

The frequency and number of cryo-therapy sessions can vary depending on the individual's condition and goals. For acute injuries, a single session or a few sessions may be sufficient. However, for chronic conditions or performance enhancement, a series of sessions spaced over a period of time might be recommended. It's important to discuss the treatment plan with a healthcare professional or cryotherapy specialist.