Understanding Arthritis of the Vertebra: Causes and Treatment

Dr. Dipen Patel | MS Kinesiology (USA)
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Discover the causes, treatment, and management options for arthritis of the vertebrae, a common condition that causes pain and stiffness in the spine. Learn more about spinal arthritis and how to alleviate its symptoms.

You must have observed quite a few people around you complaining of stiffness in their backs now and then. In the present day, this ailment has become quite common. 

What is Arthritis of the Vertebra?

What is Arthritis of the Vertebra?

Arthritis of the vertebrae is a condition that involves inflammation of the joints in the spine, leading to pain, stiffness, and sometimes a reduction in the range of motion. This condition is commonly referred to as spinal arthritis or spondyloarthritis.

An increasing number of people are experiencing sudden pulls in their Back Muscles, stiffness in their lower backs, or feeling like their joints are locked. The discomfort caused by this can be severe. It can make it painful to perform even basic day-to-day functions such as sleeping, sitting down, walking, and turning left or right. 

However, there is nothing to worry about in this situation because there is no issue with the vertebra joints. The issue is with the joint that holds the vertebra together. This is commonly known as the “Facet Joint”.

What is a Facet Joint?

Facet Joint: The critical function of this joint is to facilitate the bending and turning of the upper body in different directions. So when there is swelling at this joint or the joints seem locked out of the movement, it is known as “Facet Joint Syndrome”.

The pain from this condition can be severe which can often cause pangs of anxiety in the victim. But it can be easily cured by identifying it properly and committing it to some common yet effective treatment.

The cartilage within the Facet Joint gets weathered over age and time. This is why many people experience discomfort while sitting, walking, turning from side to side or even standing upright, after a certain age. This is also Arthritis of the spine.

Common Reasons for Arthritis:

The most common reasons for this kind of ailment have been observed to be back injuries, the heavy strain on the facet joint, heavy lifting of weights, sudden jerks during movement, and old age.

The spine has the function of transferring the weight of the entire upper body onto the legs in a steady manner. 

Let’s see how arthritis advances.

With the progression of age, the muscles begin to start getting feeble which increases the pressure on the cartilage in the Facet Joint and causes it to get weathered. This is the first development in the arthritis of the spine. 

Next, the pressure of the body weight on the vertebra socket begins to mount, causing it to be pushed down. This is a crucial part of advancement in arthritis, because if remedial measures are not taken at this stage, then the body spurs a growth of new bones around the joints. This phenomenon is referred to as “Bony Spur”. 

Once a bony spur has proliferated around the joint, it creates pressure on the nerves surrounding the spine area which leads to the spread of the pain onto the legs too. 

This condition is referred to as Spinal Canal Stenosis.


The most obvious symptom of Facet Joint Syndrome is shooting pain in the victim's spine while bending down or turning the upper body towards the left or right.  

In some cases, the pain occurs while even turning the neck from one side to another, wherein, the patient has to turn the entire body around to be able to see in any other direction.

In some other cases, the pain persists in the lower back region, wherein, the patient finds it difficult to sit in a chair or stand upright without inflicting considerable pain on themselves.  

Besides these symptoms, other symptoms such as weakening of the muscles, pain and exhaustion, and experiencing a tingling sensation are also indicative of arthritis of the vertebra.

Remedy and Treatments

If you experience any of these kinds of back and vertebra pain or feel your everyday routine coming to a halt because of these, do not worry:

  • Take complete bed rest. This will help ease the pain to a good measure.
  • Apply an ice pack at the point of distress for ten minutes, 3-4 times a day
  • Refrain from any kind of activity that can lay a strain on the back.
  • Avoid sitting upright for long periods or driving cars.
  • Do not lift any kind of weight.
  • Try avoiding lying down on soft uneven surfaces and try lying down straight on a hard, even, and smooth surface. This will help in realigning the disturbed joints to their original straight position, hence helping the joints to unlock by themselves and granting pain relief.  

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What is Arthritis of the Vertebra?

Arthritis of the vertebra is a condition characterized by pain and discomfort in the back, often caused by issues with the Facet Joint, a critical joint responsible for the bending and turning of the upper body.

2. What causes Facet Joint Syndrome?

Facet Joint Syndrome, a common cause of arthritis of the vertebra, can be triggered by factors such as back injuries, heavy strain on the facet joint, lifting weights, sudden jerks during movement, and the natural aging process.

3. What are the symptoms of Facet Joint Syndrome?

Symptoms include shooting pain while bending or turning, difficulty in turning the neck, lower back pain, muscle weakening, exhaustion, and tingling sensations.

4. How does arthritis of the spine progress?

Arthritis of the spine progresses with age, as muscles weaken, the cartilage in the Facet Joint wears down, and the body may develop bony spurs. If left untreated, this can lead to Spinal Canal Stenosis, causing pain to spread to the legs.

5. What remedies and treatments are recommended?

Initial remedies include complete bed rest, applying ice packs, avoiding activities that strain the back, refraining from sitting upright for extended periods, and not lifting heavy weights. Additionally, lying down on a hard, even surface is suggested to help realign disturbed joints for pain relief.